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About Us

Our offices are located in Atlanta, London, Moscow, Berlin, Almaty, Toronto, South America, Australia, Pacific and Tel-Aviv.
We are experts in conducting International Investigations, Audits and Security assignments.
For more than twenty five years, LapidIM Global Intelligence provide solutions for Corporate Investigations, Due Diligence, Exposing Fraud, Asset Search, Artworks Investigations, Copyrights, Surveillance, Wills & Inheritance Investigations, Litigation Support, Audits and global security. 
Our rich record and professional network enable our clients to obtain real time quality investigative and security solutions, covering Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and North America.
LapidIM team combines professionals in various areas of expertise, including Licensed Investigators, Undercover Operators, Surveillance Teams, Counter Terrorism Experts, Researchers, Auditors, Technicians and highly experienced Team Managers.
lapidim ceo

Jacob Lapid, CEO. Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.), an Economist, certified by the Ministry of Justice for Investigations' Management and a Licensed Investigator, bears the title Certified International Investigator, Member of leading intentional investigations organizations.

Mrs. Linor R

Mrs. Linor R. is LapidIM’s International Audit Coordinator. In her position she speaks daily with hundreds of Investigators and Auditors, provides feedback to assist with creating processes and procedures related to audit functions.

She specializes in guiding them from distance, controlling the assignments and making sure all works perfectly according to schedule and plan.

Over the years, she has established valuable, long-term relationships with auditors all around the world.

Linor gained twelve years of experience in this demanding positions, and before that, she held key positions as a Producer and banking industry. 


Our auditors are highly dedicated professionals, whose objective is to provide results while maintaining integrity. 

In fact, we are the only audit company that offers service in areas such as Africa, South America, Middle East, Central Asia and Pacific.

Jacob Lapid Receiving the International Detective of the Year Award.

Detective Award
Detective Award
Receving a reward for investigator of the year in 2015

LapidIM are experts in conducting International Investigations, Audits and Security at remote locations, LapidIM offices are located in Atlanta, London, Moscow, Berlin, Almaty, Toronto, South America, Australia, Pacific and Tel-Aviv.  LapidIM provides solutions for Corporate Investigations, Due Diligence, Exposing Fraud, Asset Search, Artworks Investigations, Copyrights, Surveillance, Wills &Inheritance Investigations, Insurance fraud investigations, Audits and security. Coverage: Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa, North America.

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